De Devotion

Pslams 8: 3-4

Hm, this is second i type this post. :(
Because of click wrong something.. AR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, summary..

God is the one who create World... and please don't think God is only squared by christian in a church only. God can do everything so that He called "God", if He just responsible to something that's called "god" God and god is totally far different!

Although God is great and awesome, yet He love us.
Somebody don't believe God love everyone.
Actually God love everyone, problem was how you think your problem big and effect God don't love you. Make sense ya!?

And God still remains the love in us, no matter we are chrisTian or non-ChrisTian.
God is wonderful. And He is the creator.
In this verse He make me humble but not "Zhi Bie"
Proud but not Pride..
Because this verse mention
God create , but He still care for us.
How proud it is, and how small we are,
God create the world.
Imagine if you watch God creating something, and He is creating Star and Sky.
If think we will shutup and nothing to say.
We are ok to create something and show our knowledge how good we are.
But remember, don't ever challenge God and "thought" conflication in Him.
I think God will show us we our researched.
Alpha and Omega, and Mathematics Science.
Many Scientist and Research actually believe in God in the "end"

I pray that God, please Remove our blocks and yorks in our heart that anti you. No matter in our principle, and our task. We believe You is the one call impossible to become possible...
God, let them receive Your love. And let them know You is the God, not god.
Let all religious mindset including Tradisional Church that believe you be smash again and rebuild to know Your freedom that given!
In Jesus name I pray, Amen...

"Fact is always cruel, Because "Fact" is tangible and controlable, is that mean God is always cruel?" Think yourself.

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