Devotion "Law"

加拉太书 3:17

huiyo, I like this verse that how Paul wrote. He said God's engagement or principle won't be change even after 430 years later.
I recognize many other religious will always change some or little principles according to the time past by and by.
Our government also will change the principle or law to suit the nations.
But God, who created the world and us, He set the principle according to Him is the most Suit and never change. From the start until now, God's promise never change, bible existed when Jesus haven't come to the world yet.
How firm is it.
How responsible is it.

I thanks God for today, For His grace I still alive with who am I.
Always keep the thankful heart to Him.
For the principles He set, I have no fear with all things happen around of me.
Financial problems or Death. It is because if I stick to God principle, scare what?
No one else will collapse including me which always stick to God principle.
God is the great comforter, Saviour, business man, designer, investor, advertiser, joker, trainer and etc.
Too many...
I believe with what He had done in me.
I totally believe with His promise in me.
Is that God principle unsuitable to our Generation? No! We need God principle.
Need no to sunat or shave hair.
What we need is always our spirit turn back to Him, our true house.

I pray that God's principle always be the first priority in my lifestyle. I want to become abundance not just in wealth. God, impact me, let me shine upon them. Let me always having a thankful heart when I face some unhappy or madness situation. God almighty I surrender.
bowed down before you, let Your will done in Me. In Jesus name, Amen!


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