Devotion 22/10

例王纪上 9: 1-9

This verse talk about, God make a deal with Soloman about If his Citizen worship other gods or not obey the Lord, God will let the temple become useless and become gossip to one another. Including Laughing to the temple, critizing, and even walk by also will talk bad about the temple of Soloman. Is so dangerous la, how come a Difficult Construction just complete then will be useless to God? huaya.. need alaert.

So we know that temple is our body in now. It is very true that if we worship other gods and walk away from the truth of God, our life we be useless in the end, and also will laugh and gossip by each other ALWAYSLY.

I don't want to be so Useless person and no vision, no life in me! I want to be a worshipper for God! Use by him! All for him! Concentrate and Focus on him! That's truly TRUE if we Worship only God, we will have many grace about facing the fear and solving problem or urgent. Even Earthshake also will praise God! Huiyo! God live in me.

Pray to my Cel-group f2-2 that no one in my celgroup is an hypocrite and they heart only for God! All will do devotion! Speak in Tongue 10min one day! God I pray that all follower of christ too! AMEN!!! START ENGINE!!!


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