You is my Pride and Honour 完美主义

Actually sometimes, a experience kill somebody else and not increase somebody else level.
Praise a people need to depend what kind of that people are.
I'm so unhappy about one thing, I also take it serious.

Pride and 完美主义 actual no transform in attitude in their life's dictionary.
they will not listen to their same level collegue, just only their boss and their manager.

What i so anger about is Pride cannot change by human.
Human just can speak prevention to the person, but usually useless.
If human cannot change it, mean that is a good big transform to that person, it is God who do it Himself. (scary)

So sad if I watching a person who carrying those kind of attitude, when they are been broken, been nailed, been train by God. So hurt! Especially your close person.

Many Defend and Counter-Attack in their conversation, Offenses Included.
Their Talk, their fight back. Wow, pour a poison to your body.

No matter how great talent, and good grace we have, Pride will spoil all things.

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