-2008 One Culture One Language One Winning Team-

This is what we called...... PLANNER!@#%!@$!@!%^!@%!@%!@See how happy am I when I'm doing this planner... How excited am I and how Nice was it........
Just like a person who new in Jail need to capture a photo for registration. Hm... Need to breakaway something already. Jiayou! The Face Expression totally spoiled my image
Let you guys see see, although is opposite, but i cant do anything else... and the mega pixel also sick sack suck la... hehehe, nevermind one la, if the webcam is clear also useless, cause i know you guys dun like Doctor Hand-writing de.. HAHAHAHAHHAA

Actually what I mean for this posted is, we need to plan for vision, without vision, lazy conquer us. So, i admit that i'm the laziest liang zai in this world. So why my face look like terrible sick and look like awake.

Pastor said leader will face some brokenness in this year, I accept this challenge, FOR GOD!
It is quite many plan and vision I set need to achieve, tough man... tsunami is about corner.

Yet, that's the truth how we gonna grow and past it.
One culture, Kingdom culture
One language, the dynamic inside and outside tight us together and run with united.
One winning team, Achievement although not same sector but the right and same heart for God kingdom...

Let praise Jesus! because I will face many difficult problem.
Let praise Him! for what training ground had set to me.
Let adore Him! for what He promised us after grow up with the kingdom principle.

Seek His kingdom and righteousness first then all things will add up more and more until overwhelm to what you actually need and want!

Sai Lang Hey... Jesus
Let take the journey and tight up the shoes and RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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