Devotion 使徒行传 1:7-8

This past few days I attend to the conference meeting "Asia For Jesus", which pastor Jaeson Ma said "This Is Not a Conference, This is The Call of War"

I encounter many things, My vision, and Vision and Some weird Picture through these days.
Just briefly share with you guys, when Pastor Jaeson Ma make a calling to us for receive the anoiting to preach and lead ppl to Jesus through "7 important of a society"
1. Government
2. Business
3. Education
4. Multimedia
5. Family
6. Religious
7. "forget" hehehe...

I asked God, what I can do to you, Then pastor Ma wanted all people at front of him raise our hand toward God, and asked\Receive God's authority.
Weirdly, I received a "Gambling" ship/crusier. I dunno what it is, but I know is about storm-crosser.

Next day, I also saw the roof open heaven with spiritual eyes, heaven sent some "kind like jacket" to some people and included me. I wear it, then nothing else happened, Just keep pray to God for Malaysia.
Then, Pastor Philip then said, got heaven open around the hall, from the heaven, somebody already "Downloaded" the cloth and wear it already. "WOW, I was shock, I though that just my own mentality problem thinking.... "but it is real"
Pastor Philip said, the cloth we received is the cloth of revivalist and anoited.
"Proclaim, I still a human, I'm not GOD"
Today, I still dunno what will happen on me yet, I wear the cloth, I received a SHIP? on my hand.

Thirdly, When i cry out to God for Sabah, God gave me an authority to "OPEN the DOOR" around the society, I Keep shouting
I saw all door like "closed" shop, no one else... all black inside!
I was so sad and so rush, then God told me to Open Door in Jesus Name.
I did it, the Door open with Explose one by one, I saw many people came out from the darkness SHOP. all Naked. All crying, the light rid off the darkness inside the shop... "wat does it mean God?" : /

God, when you want to come?
God said through the bible 使徒行传 1:7-8,
We not only wait, we need to take action, bring among all my friends to know who is Jesus, what Jesus did for us.
That's true, pastor said if we want God come now and make a judgement. I think God are not willing to come, because God love our soul and other dunno Him yet, then God want us to intro to our friends about Him, accept Him.
If i'm Him, I also not willing to come down to earth to make the Judgement.
I wish all my creation which have spirit, ALLLLL belongs back to what i suppose to have it.

God, I don't care what nick or what eyes that people will put on me,
Holyman? Father? Monk? Crazy little Jesus? unsinful Person? Immature? naive?
God, please heal my heart if somebody form a nick to me kind like this.
Forgive them that what they did to your son.

Actually I feel so failure to myself, when somebody actually always scolding rude word when talking to each other, but won't scold rude word in front of me.
IS THAT I'M really A Discipline Teacher? OR A POLICE THAT ALL PEOPLE DUn Dare to near me?

Jesus! I want to be friend with them, i want to be salt and light
YET I DUN WANT BE A BURDEN aND JUDGER TO THEM!!! I'm not You, I'm not good enough to judge. God, let me can communicate to my freind directly, may they can express their emotion, their problem directly when we talking, I want to show how you love me to them! Pray for them too....

God, no matter how loud I cry for my friend, I know You will done it by your time, your will.
God, I just wait for you...

In Jesus Name, Amen

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