The Driver Seat

Driving to a destination...

If I driving without concentrate, I will unable to reach my destination, even die cause accident.

My life is the same things as Driving, you too.

Is the principle of "how you drive your car"

How you manage your life, how you think your life will be... "future"

I want to share with you, I put my life into God's hand, because only He know the way that we as human need to arrive...

So i decided to get off myself from the driver seat, and let Him carry on the journey...

He is the only way, the truth, the life...

He will bring us to a place where called eternity...
but sometimes human reject the grace and exist of God, where they arrive is always the short-term places... wont last forever...
Actually God do not kill everyone who dun follow Him, in fact, we already chosen by Him for salvation... But how we response? Rejected? Ignorance?
Or we accept the salvation of God...
I hope we can taste God, even touch Him... I pray, all my friend, can experience Him...
Jesus, save them...

GiuLu... Tampololi....~~~ haha ..dunno how to spell...

I stayed at town without travelling to village for vacation...
When the day of GiuLu, I found that God creation is over and over what we can see in town only... Is... Memorable, Enjoyable... and... Fantastic! I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE... and also terrence and claudia punya food... thx for them... is good if can cooperate with them for making profit in college by selling the food they had made... is tasty, and gentle.. :P

I HOPE... I CAN GO BACK!!! but... no holiday... all study study.. haiz...
I also hope to bring friend go there for a trip or fun... is Worth e!
Thx God we didn't have anything injured or lost... but the food are overwhelming, cannot eat finish it.. hahaha... Nice one...
God, the creator...nothing to say...
I love it... I love the creation of God...